Does Testosterone Make You Handsome?

Testosterone levels affect your whole body and face. A significant increase of this hormone makes your body more masculine. Testosterone can also increase facial attractiveness in men, making them more appealing to women.

Testosterone makes you more handsome and physically attractive to the opposite sex. When you have the right testosterone level in your body, you will get leaner muscle mass that makes you look fit and healthy, helps maintain your beard growth, reduces stress levels, and amps your overall sexual appeal. 

The Effects of Testosterone on Attractiveness

Increased Facial Width

Testosterone increases development of the cheekbones, which gives you a wider face. Facial width is a very important parameter that humans use to assess other people. Research shows that men with wider faces are better leaders, more dominant, more aggressive, but more psychopathic and less trustworthy. Unfortunately, women like bad boys so those last two qualities don’t necessarily take away from your attractiveness.

To calculate your facial width simply measure your face from the widest point by your cheekbones, and divide by the height of your middle third (from the nasion to the upper lip).

Thicker Eyebrows

Testosterone gives you thicker eyebrows and eyelashes. Thick eyebrows and long lashes are actually a masculine feature. In general, the hairier you are, the more attractive you are to the opposite sex (with the exception of body hair).

Build Muscles and Bones

One great feature of a masculine body is that it grabs attention everywhere. Testosterone plays a significant role in muscle building and achieving a better bone structure.

Testosterone helps in eliminating fat in the body and does not affect lean muscle mass. Several studies show that testosterone treatment while being physically active helps lose a remarkable amount of fat mass yet preserves muscle mass (Fui et al. 2016).

As the testosterone increases muscle mass, it also helps you become leaner. A leaner body helps in better management of weight and energy. However, one study showed that some men would increase muscle mass, but gain no additional muscle strength. It’s an excellent recommendation to take testosterone with exercise or strength training (Bassil et al. 2009).

Another effect that testosterone has is on bone mineral density that decreases as men grow older. Men who have declining bone mineral density are at risk of osteoporosis and weak bone structure. Strong bones boost athletic performance, which always improves attractiveness. In research on female transexuals transitioning to becomes males, an increase in testosterone intake creates a surge in bone mineral density, especially in the hip area (Turner et al. 2004).

Better Facial Structure Development

Testosterone also affects the development of the facial structure. These changes are why individuals who experience a delay in craniofacial growth are given low doses of testosterone.

A study on children aged 12-14 years old showed testosterone was an excellent enhancer for facial features during puberty. After a year of testosterone treatment, the subjects saw a significant increase in the ramus and mandibular length, anterior face height, and statural height (Verdonck et al. 1999).

However, this doesn’t mean you would get the same results by exceeding normal levels of testosterone.

jaw anatomy

If you’re looking for ways to make your face more masculine while taking testosterone, read this.

Increased Facial Hair

Nick Bateman Beard

Having extra facial hair from testosterone seems counterintuitive since testosterone is associated with male pattern baldness (MPB). An analysis of balding men proposed that controlling testosterone production helps treat MPB (Choi et al. 2001). While virtually all men will lose their hair, early baldness can mean a hormonal imbalance, so it’s best to consult an endocrinologist.

Nevertheless, testosterone helps in achieving a thick beard on your face. A full-grown beard is something that both men and women equate to being masculine. For beard growth, testosterone converts to a more powerful form called dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which then stimulates the beard hair follicles.

The body converts about 10% of testosterone to DHT, which helps your beard attain its full potential. Men who have low DHT levels may find it challenging to grow a thick beard, but taking testosterone supplements may help. The rate the beard grows by varies, but once you have a stable growth pattern, you might notice a 1/2 inch growth per month with DHT’s help.

Increased Sexual Desirability

A man with a high level of testosterone will more than likely have sharp facial features or excellent body structure, making him more sexually appealing to women.

Most people will usually go with a physically attractive partner due to the notion that they might have healthy offspring together. Different research shows that having an attractive face guarantees advantages in life, such as a better reproductive system, increased social standing, and more likely to be successful (Ebner et al. 2018).

How to Boost Testosterone Intake

People who have low testosterone levels may not have a chance to benefit from the amazing effects it has on attractiveness. Although our bodies naturally produce testosterone, there are still some people who are prone to testosterone deficiencies. Here are some helpful tips that can boost your testosterone levels.


Vitamin D increases testosterone the most in comparison to other vitamins out there and pairs well with zinc. Zinc helps in boosting testosterone levels in athletes. Be sure to get plenty of fat, as it’s the building block of testosterone.

However, supplementing becomes irrelevant when you eat a high-quality diet. Fixing your diet could take your testosterone from 200 ng/dl to 800 ng/dl, depending on just how bad your nutrient deficiencies are.

Keep in mind that a healthy diet includes not overeating, even with otherwise healthy food choices. Obese people naturally have lower levels of testosterone. Tuna, egg yolks, oysters, beef, and beans are some of the foods that can help amp up your testosterone.

Engage in Exercises

Research on people who exercise often shows that they have higher testosterone levels compared to people who are not physically active (Ari et al. 2009). If you’re wondering what type of exercise you can do, try pure weight lifting first then eventually move up to high-intensity training. Activities like these can help boost your testosterone for short and long term durations.

Cut Down on Stress

Minimal stress is good for us; it makes us stronger and helps us perform. However, stress becomes a risk when it becomes chronic, or there’s too much of it. Stress keeps your testosterone level low and brings more cortisol into your system. Stress also causes people to overeat.

Get Good Quality Sleep

Just like cutting down on stress and exercising, good sleep leads to higher testosterone production. Since testosterone is a hormone, our bodies usually release it while we are sleeping. People who sleep more will get about 15% more testosterone production.


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