How Much Mewing to Do a Day

Having proper tongue posture for all hours of the day will have positive effects on your facial structure. For you to commit to mewing, you need to do it as long as possible. Otherwise, you are losing out on potential gains.

Mewing should be done 24/7. Duration is more important than force when it comes to mewing. If you only mew a few hours a day, it’s unlikely you’ll see any changes or even stop normal facial recession that occurs due to aging.

Let’s have a little history lesson: if you take a look at ancient skulls, their lower facial area is very well-developed, their teeth perfectly align, and their jaws are prominent. Their facial features are primarily the result of the lifestyle they had back then. Thousands of years later, humans now have to face issues of teeth alignment, jaw formation, and malocclusion. Our facial features are from a lifestyle that doesn’t require much action. We don’t chew hard foods or chew our foods as much as our ancestors. Our diet consists of soft food that we can easily swallow, and worst of all, we don’t move as much as we need to.

Common Mistakes

Doing correct mewing for 24 hours will affect your facial structure in the right way. You will not only have changes in the jaw area, but you will experience a facial upswing. Depending on your age and how you engage in mewing, the results will either be immediate or gradual. See our article here for info on how long before you see actual results.

Putting your tongue on the roof of your mouth for 24 hours a day is not enough to guarantee good mewing results. The outcome of your mewing results is also dependent on your technique. Check out our article for common mewing mistakes to make sure you’re mewing correctly and not hampering your gains.

You always need to incorporate the back third of your tongue, incorporate some elements of chewing throughout your day, and during normal mewing, your teeth should touch each other. You want to make sure your body posture is perfect as well, which will make mewing effortless instead of difficult.

Weak Forces vs. Strong Forces

How to mew

The amount of force you use is the main difference between regular mewing and hard mewing. For hard mewing, you use as much force as you can to push your tongue on the roof of your mouth. The goal of hard mewing is to get results in a faster amount of time. The other benefit of hard mewing is that it reinforces nerve pathways and helps you keep your tongue on the roof of the mouth for longer. While for soft mewing, you just mew without applying any extra force.

Hard mewing is popular because adults who engage in mewing at a later age will have a difficult time changing their facial structure. Unlike in our childhood, where our bones are jelly-like, in our adult years, the bones become hard and will need extra force to alter.

Remember that if you practice regular mewing, you should have realistic expectations and realize the results will always take time. Getting a well-defined jaw is not immediate.

If you use hard mewing, you will notice a change in pressure as you are consciously pressing your tongue upwards. You should also note that pressing your tongue with too much force might lead to over-exhaustion of the tongue. You don’t want to go that far; if you exhaust your tongue from forcing it to stay upwards, you will eventually need time to rest.

When you stop mewing because you need to rest your tongue, your results will be worse than if you just did soft mewing from the start. Weak forces with longer durations with always beat strong forces with shorter duration when it comes to biomechanics.

Wolff’s Law

Our bones are dynamic and undergo bone remodeling. During this stage, two special cells do the work. The osteoclast removes and destroys old bones, and the osteoblasts encourage bone growth by depositing new bone tissues on the old site.

bone mewing
Microscopic Bone Marrow

A German surgeon Julius Wolff proposed that the stress put on the bone will significantly affect its structure. He mentions that bones can adapt to the load we put them under. This also suggests that depending on the mechanical loads and stress this induces bone formation and changes in bone structure (Greer, 1993).

If we relate this to mewing, it suggests that the force you put on the roof of the mouth restructures the bones in it and the whole jaw. However, it remains to be seen whether hard forces actually strengthen the bones further and prevent new mewing gains. If you want to play it completely safe, stick to regular soft mewing.

Solidify Your Mewing Habit

Mewing will not start easy. Ask individuals who have been mewing for years, and they will tell you that it needs a lot of practice and commitment before you get to the stage of being able to mew 24/7 (or close to it). One of the main reasons why people give up on mewing is that they don’t see any results immediately.

Let’s be clear; your mewing results start with conditioning your body that you have to do it. Like all habits, mewing will always need to have a constant stimulus. Here are a few tips that can help you in solidifying mewing in your routine.

Get Motivation From Other People

If you’re hesitant in committing to mewing, you can browse online forums such as the Orthotropics Sub-Reddit or The Great Work. You can look at people’s before/after photos and get inspiration from other people riding the struggle-bus.

Youtuber AstroSky had amazing results with mewing. Try to be more like him.

Use Reminders

You can set up alarms to ensure that you remember it’s mewing time. You just have to make sure your alarm doesn’t bother other people. There are apps that you can use to schedule your notes or activities for the whole day. You should set your alarm for every half hour or 15-minute intervals. This is one of my best tips for turning mewing into a real habit.

Psychological Triggers

You can encourage yourself to do mewing first thing in the morning. You can associate items, activities, or areas in your home and relate them to mewing. You can train your mind so that once you see an item, be it in a particular area of your house, or while doing household chores, your straighten out your posture and start mewing.

There will be many options, and my personal favorite is to associate phone vibration/messages with mewing, which works well in conjunction with mewing reminder alarms.

The point is, this is more personalized since you can have the trigger be anything, but only you will know that it’s time for mewing.


Mewing will eventually be a part of your daily routine, and it should get easier as time goes by. Remember that proper mewing should be done 24/7. If you think you can’t do it, start small and engage in it for a couple of hours for a day. You will notice that your body encourages you to mew more.

Watch out for the possible mistakes that naturally happen when you first start mewing. It’s quite common for beginners. The faster you acknowledge your errors, the faster you can make correct mewing a part of your daily routine.

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