How Does Mewing Affect The Jaws?

The jaw is a prominent part of our faces that is not new to seeing changes as we get older. You might notice that older people lose a significant amount of definition in their jaws, and their jaw angle increases significantly. Committing to good mewing practice could prevent this, but it might take a lot of time and effort.

Our face will eventually change as we age; you might notice a drooping appearance typically caused by decreasing muscle and skin around the face. Usually, for adults, getting a less attractive face is why they want to engage in mewing.

Mewing helps the jaw grow forward and upward, moving it away from the neck and making it appear sharp and prominent. Mewing also increases the jaw’s gonial angle and slightly hypertrophies the masseter muscles, leading to a more attractive and chiseled jawline.

Suppose you want to know more what mewing does precisely to your jaws, keep on reading. We’ll give you more information on our faces’ natural growth and what mewing does to counter the signs of aging in our jaws.

Normal Mandible Growth

The mandible is the largest and strongest facial bone; it consists of the lower jaw and, at the same time, holds the lower teeth. It is the only bone in our entire skull that is movable. Orthodontists and other experts place a lot of importance on the mandible since this bone grows more significant as we enter adulthood.

The jaw varies when it comes to size and when its growth peaks. How the jaw grows also has a direct association with the maxilla.

We know that as we grow older, our mandible undergoes different stages of development or skeletal maturity. The added height and length in the ramus (branch) area are seen while the individual is at the puberty stage. At the same time, the gonial angle decreases as the age increases. The decrease in the gonial angle is evident in both sexes.

jaw anatomy

We will inevitably lose bones and tissues around the face area, and the collective effect of this is the mandible starts to droop down. The jaw becomes smaller and broader, affecting how our entire face looks from the outside, making it seem longer than before.

Nowadays, researchers believe that along with the impact of gravity, loss of bones, fats, and muscle activity are the main reasons people have sagging faces (Ganceviciene et al., 2012).

With all this information in mind, what can mewing do exactly to influence your jaws? For a start, mewing will help in making sure that your face swings upward. Those who have a weak chin or longer face are not as attractive as those with a well-defined jaw. Having a face that is appropriately aligned is just one of the benefits of mewing.

If you have a naturally long face, you should never pair this with mouth breathing and incorrect tongue posture. Since our bones are still malleable in puberty, it’s best to start mewing during this stage. You will see developments in the jaw as it becomes more prominent and makes your face symmetrical. You can learn more about how mewing affects your jawline here.

Forward Facial Growth

Not many people are familiar with the forward growth of the face, but it has a very significant influence on our appearance. Most people don’t have perfect forward facial growth, and this is where mewing begins. In it’s simplest form, forward facial growth allows more space for the airway, tongue, and teeth.

Consistently mewing will promote forward facial forward growth and eventually bring about positive changes to the face.

Good under-eye support, balanced lips, straight nasal bridge, and jaw that sticks out are the obvious indicators of forward facial growth. The most noteworthy effect mewing has on the face is that it brings the jaws to the spotlight; it looks more appealing.

The facial plane method measures the forward growth of the face. An angle is drawn from the brow ridge to the chin. In general, faces with the angle 165 or more are great candidates for forwarding growth while those who fall under are recessed. Here is an excellent example of how mewing results are analyzed, including its effects on the facial plane.

Forward facial growth not only gives aesthetic value, but it’s excellent for health and facial development. You’ll learn more about its benefits in this Looks Theory episode:

As you can see from the photo below, these celebrities have forward facial growth and are considered very attractive in the industry.

Facial Upswing

Our faces will either undergo facial upswing or downswing. When people experience a downswing, it will typically look like a drooping face. The face sags because it lacks support from the tongue and the teeth. Dr. Mike Mew even compared this to a wax model that melts down when it’s too close to the fire.

If you have a down swung face, the airways are affected, and your jaw shape also changes. You will want to move your whole head forward. One thing most people do to correct a down swung face is to tilt their head so that it will fix the angle of the face, but this doesn’t work since it will only give curvature to the neck and exacerbates posture issues.

Upswing is when a face moves up and forward; this is considered good growth that will rarely need orthodontic treatments. Facial upswing results from excellent oral posture since it makes sure that the tongue is fully engaged on the roof of the mouth while the teeth are together supporting the whole maxilla.

Also, the process of mewing ensures the whole face has forward growth and makes you more conscious of good body posture. The basic premise of mewing is that as the maxilla grows forward, this forces the mandible to rotate counter-clockwise, as the mandible is a slave to the maxilla. This forward growth makes the jaw more prominent.

Mewing Effects
Process of Forward Growth


Mewing does great wonders not just for the whole face but also for the jaws. But you have to keep in mind that mewing results will vary from one person to the next. Consistency is key. Don’t stop mewing if you don’t see any results in your first few months. This isn’t a fix for your facial aesthetic problems; it prevents you from getting uglier and moves you in the right direction. But you’re not going to wake up one day and look like Brad Pitt or Angelina.

If your jawline is one of your insecurities, you may want to read about how mewing can help expand the mandible. You might need to immerse yourself in how our jaw develops and what factors affect it so that you set proper expectations with mewing.

Mewing may sound difficult at first, and only a few people get it correct right away. Make sure to read our ultimate mewing guide and check out our top mewing mistakes video to ensure that you do everything right. Give it a lot of practice, and in no time, you will be flashing the product of your hard work – a remarkable jawline.

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